Jeffrey can’t keep his story straight when it comes to his family’s toothbrushes.
Jeffrey says a reality TV show star looks just like his boss. Will this be his last day at iHeart?
Dieter explains why AT&T and other cell phone networks were down.
Bad lighting, or is Rover growing a dong on his face?
Dieter got back at a woman who complained about him at his pool job.
Jeffrey may have been duped by either fans or wrestlers.
Jeffrey says one thing is holding him back from being a pilot, but the crew suspects there may be more.
Dieter says he’d have no problem living off $25,000 per year. But does the math add up?
Dieter and Charlie felt Jesus was judging them when waking care of business.
Rover talks to a mom who has been banned from picking her kids up at school due to the OnlyFans ad on her car. From the Friday Leftovers on RMG Plus.