Duji seems to be the only one who can’t recall turmoil between her and a former producer.
Jeffrey greeted the bed bug exterminator with an unbelievable object in his hand!
Jeffrey is broadcasting from a bathroom until his bed bug infestation is cured. But Jeffrey was pissed when Dieter came in to christen the toilet!
Dieter fantasizes about what it would have been like to sleep with historical women.
Jeffrey sings karaoke on the sidewalk outside after being exiled from studio.
Art Alexakis from Everclear talks about M.S. diagnosis, being bullied, and more…before the interview unexpectedly goes off the rails!
Krystle had to cut a hot date short due to an embarrassing emergency situation!
Charlie claims he has stopped during the week, but that just means his weekends have gotten more out of control!
Can you die from touching fentanyl or having it blow in your face? What about all the videos of cops coming in contact with fentanyl and almost dying? This expert ends the debate once and for all.
The last time Dieter took a bath was to come down from a high.