If Dieter’s balls were chopped off, what would he dedicate his life to?
At least 1 person on the show has worn a diaper to a concert!
After Dieter purposely ripped Keith Hotckiss’ $2,000 sport coat, he finally offers compensation!
Rover and Duji disagree about whether a prenup should be signed before marriage.
Keith Kennedy’s judgement called into question after he dates woman for five years with no action whatsoever!
Jeffrey tries to calculate how much his weekend excursion cost him in gas.
Dieter stole the Keith Hotchkiss’ custom-tailored sport coat, with a disastrous result!
He’s been kicked in face, taken an elbow drop to the head, and gotten stern warnings from his backyard wrestling compatriots about revealing secrets. But Jeffrey lets a few details about pro wrestling slip out!
The two Catholics talk about communion.
Dieter and Charlie think their women could be trying to off them!