Rover can’t believe what happened to his wife when trying to pull out of a parking spot!
An argumentative Charlie was asked to leave a Bureau of Motor Vehicles office. Who was in the wrong?
Dieter thinks his wife would be upset if he took matters into his own hands.
Dr. Ian is back! He unloads on Will Smith and Lizzo, and reveals whether he wipes standing up or sitting down!
Dieter drinks a protein shake…with special emphasis on the P!
Dieter superglued his hand to a dumbbell for some reason!
Temp phone-screener Liam reveals if he has ever lied to his mother, Rachel in Sales.
Dieter says he’s made it in life solely with his body, not his brain. And one show member in particular seems to concur!
Dieter tested his dates’ intelligence…to make sure they weren’t too brainy for him!
Dieter claims you can eat leftover meat for weeks. He demonstrates.